Monday, June 27, 2005

Still No Cure For Cancer

May 22, 2004 issue of Science News reported that Japanese scientists have just created a mouse with two mothers but no father. There is a lot of science techno-babble that I do not want to get into right now since it is 1:30 in the morning. I just do not know what this means for us men. Should we be buying mothers day cards in bulk now. I do not think I can do that. I really hate Hallmark. Let us not forget that when Anna Jarvis, the woman who started mothers day, died in 1948, she died childless.

Back to the mice. I know that that right now there are republicans who are trying to pass a constitutional amendment that would declare a legal union only be between a men and mouse. Is it so bad. Are men really that bad?
What could be wrong with the male population in the world that has a trickle down effect into the order of rodentia? Are there so many dead beet dads that we would have to remove dads from the world entirely? I don't really want children but don't but me out of the loop... I know I have my flaws. I know that I am not a saint. Or am I...

Extra Reading