Sunday, April 4, 2004

Refuge Camp of Friendships

Ok thats it. I mean it this time. I'm tired of opening myself up and then getting shit in return. The worst is when you share your mind, your home, your heart with someone and all you get is apathy and neglect. I hate the fact that my family will lovingly accept anyone who come over warmly. But when it's the other persons turn to let you into their lives then what do you get. A nice stone wall. Hey we can be close but only up to this point. I got an idea why doesn't everyone just draw a fucking boundary and tell me where they want me to be. Why doesn't everyone just move away to Asstown and then try to tell me we can still be friends. Fuck people don't even call. All when they do they have someone else on the other line. You know these bastards should be happy that I call them at all. I chose to hang out with people over my own family sometimes. How lame is that. Everyone is going on the back burner.

I'm tired of hanging out outside of people's houses because ... god knows why. I'm tired of not doing something because someone's family doesn't think it's proper. Fuck that. When you come over to my house you get your own drink because as soon as you step inside you are family and are treated as such.

Alright, I'm going outside for a cigarette. Anyone who doesn't like that ... screw you.

For those who don't apply. Thank you.