Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Fuck Jay and Silent Bob. Fuck them up their stupid asses.

Well so Saturday after an OK day at the Wal and at Denny's I am driving home. Stupid me has Leonard Cohen on and mid ride this one song called "Be For Real" comes on and I can't help but cry. I pull over and cry through the whole song. Why don't I just turn the damn thing off ... 1) It makes great literature. 2) I'm an idiot.

I try to compose my self and take off on the road. I hit about 95mph and I am cruising nicely. I slow down. But then Hallelujah comes on and the tears come back. So I am not really looking around while I am driving. Well would you believe it I get pulled over for doing 50 in a 40. Ain't that about a bitch. If I was going 90 then at least it might seam worth it.

The cop is really nice and tells me that if I meet him in court he will knock it down to a parking ticket. But I still can't stop crying. The guy was really nice and listen to all my shit though. I mean, now there is a cop that knows my secret. Yeah that I have some serious mental issues. I really feel so bad that the guy almost did not let me drive. Thank you all.

On stranger news. I ran into an ex at the mall. That's right the original blond goddess in my life. Can you believe that. Just when I feel like shit I have to be reminded of the fact that I was such an asshole in my youth I ruined a perfectly good relationship with this beautiful girl.

Extra Reading